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How to Travel For Cheap

Traveling the world isn’t always expensive, even though it can seem so at first glance. It used to be so difficult for many to travel, but thanks to some much-needed improvements and increased awareness about accessibility, people can now travel far and wide.

With more intelligent transport, more choices of accommodation, and more knowledge about cheap travel, we can travel in style now. It doesn’t matter if you’re going on a city break, staycation, or backpacking across the globe; there are many ways to save money.

These eight tips will help you travel cheaply around the world.

1. Choose Budget-friendly destination

Be sure to estimate your ability to afford a trip. To accomplish this, you should create a budget plan. Your location should be influenced by something other than transportation and accommodations, as these prices are constantly changing.

When you’re out there, you should think about food costs, other expenses, and the attractions you’d like to see. European countries like Iceland and Denmark are typically more expensive in the north, while eastern Europe is the opposite. Book at the right time when traveling to an expensive country and look for great deals!

2. Shop around for the best airfares

Traveling is the most expensive because of the transportation. However, flying is usually the only way to get to far-flung destinations. When booking flights, use incognito mode on your web browser to search for them and be picky.

Certain airlines offer lower fares on Tuesdays and certain months when booking flights is best, like September. Booking flights outside the school holidays will save you money, so do it!

To get to your destination, you should also consider the cheapest mode of transportation. Buses and trains typically take longer, but if they save you half the price, they may be worth it. 

3. Spend less on meals by cooking yourself 

There’s nothing wrong with eating out every meal, but it isn’t necessary. A cheap trip is about deciding what you need and can live without. Choose a few places you’d like to visit and set a budget for them. It would help if you prepared your meals whenever possible since you’ll remain in accommodation with a kitchen, such as a hostel.

Buying produce from a local supermarket and preparing your breakfast and lunch is a good option if you don’t have access to a kitchen. Dinner can be taken at fast food restaurants if you want something hot that isn’t always unhealthy.

4. Enjoy some free events

The best way to get to know a country is to immerse yourself in its culture, explore its surroundings, and talk to its people. Many of those pricey tours aren’t as authentic as they seem. 

Many cities offer free walking and biking tours, which are great ways to see the city and make new friends! It’s easy to make lifelong friends and create lasting memories if you attend events like these while traveling solo. 

It is not uncommon for hostels to offer free activities like cooking classes, tours, or pub crawls. In addition, the Internet is filled with free stuff if you know where to look.

5. Pack light 

If you take two big suitcases on a weekend trip, you might want to rethink how you pack. For hand luggage, most airlines allow a couple of free bags. For check-in bags, they charge a fee. Pack minimalistically not only to save money but also to have room to bring home souvenirs. 

6. Volunteer with Worldpackers

It is a great way to expand your knowledge and network with others, which means you will go home with some great memories and a new or improved skill set.

It is possible to make many friends by doing a work exchange in a hostel. It is also possible to make a difference by volunteering in a community, school, or NGO worldwide.

You’ll have to give up some of your free time in exchange for your volunteering. If you choose wisely, though, you could reap many benefits. It will also make your trip more memorable and exciting if you connect with your hosts and locals!

7. Look for discounts

Student discounts offer great ways to travel cheaply, so if you’re wondering how to get cheap tickets, take advantage of them. There are meals, transportation, accommodations, drinks, and experiences included.

In the meantime, we can still save money while traveling with rail cards and bus passes, even if we get fewer discounts on meals.

8. Make money for traveling using your skills

Many people are making money through digital nomadism nowadays, so if you can find a way to do it, you may find it very worthwhile. Social media marketing, blogging, video making, etc., are all examples of how the digital world offers endless possibilities.

Travel can be enriching once you find the right balance between work and travel. However, it does necessitate some effort and putting yourself out there.

More tips on how to travel cheaply and sustainably

  • Instead of taking a taxi, try walking or cycling around the city 

  • Don’t forget to bring a reusable water bottle with you and fill it up when you can

  • Save space and prolong the life of your shampoo and soap bars by buying them for your travels

  • Money travel apps and cards are great for international travel – they keep your money safe and make it easy to transfer money

Final Words

Traveling around the world cheaply requires some planning, but there are many ways to do so. For example, you can reduce your food costs by cooking your food and exchanging work for accommodation. Avoid hefty transaction fees using the best bank cards, choosing destinations with strong currencies, and using local SIM cards.

Save money by getting highly discounted end-of-day food through apps like With, customers can use a mobile app to find extra food at restaurants and stores. 

See also: Travel Hacks